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New Maya tool posted

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Im adding a tool called 'Insert Plane' to my gumroad profile. It's not a new tool but Im sharing it publicly for the first time.

The idea is pretty simple, you can insert a plane in to a selection of either edges, verts or faces. different selection modes will yield different results. Check it out!

Video tutorial is coming.

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So, I have been writing many lines of python as I'm going on modeling on the shows and games that I worked on over the past couple years, and some of that code ended up becoming dedicated tools, some of which are quite popular in specific niches of out industry, but there's pages and pages of code snippets that are so tiny that they dont get to see the light of day, besides the times I use them for the specific task they were given birth for.

I have decided to share them on my website in their pure code form in my script page. copy and paste them in you'r python tabs and see what happens!

Orc Study


2 day sculpt of an awesome concept piece by Alexander Shatohin. Im trying to develop my painterly style.

the bigger the helmet..

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Original concept by the awesome Puppeteer Lee. Didn't feel like texturing this one. Was having fun playing with variations on that face. 
link to the concept

real time bust


Spent the last while working on this bust on my free time. Rendered in Marmoset.

poly painting is liberating!


a new habit of mine. Taking a painting that cought my attention and translating it to 3d.

Original concepts by Samuel Youn

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Im adding some of the characters I worked on during my time on UFC2, mostly likeness and hair here.

New version for Hair Grabber


Ive added numerous expansions and fixes to the tool! now you can manipulate poly cards through  specialized groups that inherit the rotation of it's children cards which means that you can snap a whole bunch of them to another surface as well as allign it to it'snormal which should speed up your workflow quite significantly!


I have also increased the functionality of the flil in bbetween button. Now, when the fill value is set to 0 you can use it to soft allign the cards selected to your last selected card and it's opposite farthest counterpart with the option to blendshape rig all of the cards in between.You can use the fill in between function also to allign and use snapPivot button to snap any other type of geo to a surface of another object so it's not limited to just planes!


Ive also added a set of poly filtering buttons to be able to select specific geo by it's vert count, area and rotation, as well as a dedicated edgeloop reduction function.


There are also a bunch of bug and functionality fixes and probably more to come..

Use at your own discretion, and have fun!

UFC2 is coming out soon


UFC2 is coming out soon and I had the pleasure and the honor of making some of it's characters!

Bas rutten was my personal favourite cause Im a big fan and I got a chance to make his likeness and meet him in person during the project which was a sweet bonus. Ill add more stuff once the game is out.

Goldie and Bear is out

november 05 2015

I created characters props and environments for the Disney show 'Goldie and bear'. This was a fun project and Im happy with the result!

Blend Shapes

august 06, 2014

My first attempt at blend shapes. All sculpted in Zbrush and rigged in Maya. Animation is still a bit snappy.. This was interesting as well as frustrating experience, but I learned a lot from it.

Warhammer eternal crusade

July 22,2014

Completed a Hi res character for the Warhammer Eternal Crusade game trailer.


Worked on the Modeling, Sculpting and textures of the chaplain with a good friend and associate Adar bronstein.


the trailer is out and available through the pic to the left.

Updated Demo Reel 2014

April 04,2014

Added 2 characters to my demo reel.

Hi res Horse

March 25,2014

Latest render of the Hi res horse project. The IOR in the reflection is off.

Joe Rogan Sculpt

March 6,2012

2 days of work.. wanting to be able to finish a sculpt in a day now.

Horse color Var. 1

September 5, 2012

Rendered in Vray. Has fur only in certain parts of the mesh.. was experimenting with the placement of it and if I could get away with mostly bump..

Horse Color Var. 2

March 15, 2013


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After a year and a half moving vertices around at Think Tank Training Centre im glad to present my demoreel!

Demo reel

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